Quality Sport for Communities and Clubs

With Quality Sport for Communities and Clubs, our purpose is to provide a guide to quality sport delivery based on Long-Term Development, and to identify how community sport organizations can work with key partners, such as their national sport organization (NSO), provincial/territorial sport organization (PTSO) and municipal recreation departments, to improve and sustain quality sport. The resource will be useful for sport leaders, coaches, municipal recreation leaders, PTSOs, funders and everyone committed to working together to deliver the best possible sport to all Canadians.

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We have also established a collection of supplementary material, much of which was not included in the resource, as it will continue to change and grow. The resource is broken into five key actions that community sport organizations can take toward delivering quality sport. Within each action, we offer considerations for quality sport promising practices. You can access our growing list of promising practices here. If you have a promising practice that you think should be included, please email info@sportforlife.ca.

Each action of the resource contains links to organizations and resources that support or highlight that action’s content. You can find the list of links in the sections below.

[accordions] [accordion title=”Quality Sport Guiding Principles”]

Quality Sport Programs


[accordions] [accordion title=”Focus on Athlete Growth and Development”]

Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical Activity

Active for Life

True Sport

Sport Aide

Sport Canada

Changing the Game Project

Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC)


[accordions] [accordion title=”Supporting Long-Term Goals”]

Coaching Association of Canada (CAC)

Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport

Club Excellence

Physical Literacy.ca


[accordions] [accordion title=”Using Competition Intentionally for Development”]

Respect Group

Special Olympics

Canada Games 

Canadian Paralympic Committee

Canadian Centre for Child Protection

High Five

Canadian Olympic Committee


[accordions] [accordion title=”A Commitment to Sport for All”]

Aboriginal Sport Circle

Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women in Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS)


Motivate Canada

Newcomers to Canada

Kid Sport Canada


[accordions] [accordion title=”Partnerships that Prioritize Development Needs”]

Community Foundations of Canada 

Canadian Disability Participation Project

Le Grand défi Pierre Lavoie

Parachute Canada

Canadiantire Jumpstart Charities

Quality Sport


[accordions] [accordion title=”Glossary”]

Physical and Health Education (PHE) Canada

Own the Podium

Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada

Sport for Life Resources


If you would like additional reading on this topic, the author of Quality Sport for Communities and Clubs Dr. Paul Jurbala has compiled a reference list that may be of interest to you.

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