Now live: Sport for Life’s safe sport webpage

Our safe sport webpage is now in play!

The new webpage shares Sport for Life’s Safe Sport Strategy, how we are defining safe sport, and our connections to the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport–a policy Sport for Life has proudly adopted as a program signatory of Abuse-Free Sport.

“We are so excited to launch the safe sport webpage. As a knowledge mobilizer, Sport for Life recognizes the important role we can have in raising awareness, sharing resources, and growing understanding that results in positive actions to foster safer quality sporting environments for everyone,” Francesca Jackman, Manager of Strategic Initiatives, said. “The web page is a big milestone in our efforts to mobilize safe quality sport and we hope it can be a hub to showcase more of the advancements in this space.” 

Access our Safe Sport Webpage

What Is Safe Sport?

When Sport for Life refers to safe sport, we mean the design, development, delivery, evaluation and knowledge mobilization of quality sport and physical literacy experiences that consider and strive to ensure each participant feels physically, psychologically, emotionally and culturally safe.

How Does Safe Sport Align with Sport for Life’s Strategic Plan?

Sport for Life’s Safe Sport goals align with its 2021-2024 Strategic Plan in the following ways:

Strategic Priority 1 – Foster Stronger Relationships

  • Forge strong partnerships with leaders in safe sport mobilization
  • Collaborate with leaders in safe sport to design and deliver resources, training and tools
  • Mobilize safe sport principles and recommended practices to inform policy, programs and investments

Strategic Priority 2 – Enhance Product/Knowledge Delivery and Mobilization

  • Embed emerging safe sport principles and recommended practices into long-term development, quality sport and physical literacy knowledge resources
  • Develop complementary resources that explore safe sport within long-term development (e.g. athlete development matrix), quality sport and physical literacy development
  • Enhance safe sport expertise provided to organizations and leaders as part of long-term development, quality sport and physical literacy development support services

Strategic Priority 3 – Optimize Business Performance

  • Implement robust safe sport policies, procedures, guidelines and strategies
  • Provide safe sport professional development opportunities to representatives and stakeholders
  • Actively engage staff and representatives in safe sport initiatives
  • Monitor and evaluate safe sport initiatives to inform feedback loops

The 2025 Sport for Life Summit is happening now!

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