Present at the 2018 Sport for Life Canadian Summit!

Victoria, B.C. – The Sport for Life Society is calling on leaders from across the sport, recreation, education and health sectors to share their leading-edge work, inventive programming, best practices, research and/or findings at the 2018 Sport for Life Canadian Summit. The Summit takes place in Gatineau, Quebec from January 23 through 25.

If we want to give participants in sport and physical activity the best possible chance to succeed, then we must ensure collaboration within the sport system and across the recreation, education and health sectors. Partnership and working agreement are needed at all stages of development. Given multisport athletes are more likely to thrive later in their chosen sport, what are we doing to collaborate at the early stage? This year’s Summit seeks promising practices to share with the delegates. There are great examples of ‘Working Together’ so now let’s work together to share and utilize them to create systematic change.

This is the essence behind this year’s theme: Working Together.

The Summit will feature keynotes speakers, individual presentations, panel sessions, and interactive breaks. The streams to consider when submitting a presentation include:

  • Physical Literacy – This stream will explore physical literacy as the foundation of both participation in physical activity and excellence in sport, providing a gateway for being active for life. Share how you approach physical literacy in your programs.
  • Inclusion – This stream will discuss the topic of Inclusion and accessibility in sport and physical activity. How are you addressing barriers to participation? What successes have you seen and what strides have we made, and how can we improve? Share your experiences, perspectives and innovative ideas to increase the inclusivity of sport and physical activity.
  • The Timing of Excellence – What are the right and wrong times to specialize in any one sport? How does a multisport foundation help athletes excel? Discuss how athletes can achieve their full potential through quality sport training and competition over a period of time.
  • Keys to Development – Discuss how developmentally appropriate training improves skills and abilities to the greatest effect. Learn about the mental, cognitive and emotional development of young athletes. Share your observations and approaches to developing life skills through sport.
  • Periodization & Competition – Speakers will inform about managing training and competition time within annual and seasonal cycles. Experts will challenge delegates to prevent injury and burnout in athletes. Discussion will occur to determine how you can increase the amount of ‘meaningful’ competition.
  • Collaboration & Continuous Improvement – Confer to learn how your organization is working with others to improve the delivery of quality sport and physical literacy. Get examples of how to foster collaboration, not just between organizations, but across sectors as well to build a system to have a collective impact. Share the successful changes you have implemented or experienced.

To submit an abstract, click here. Abstracts will be accepted until August 15. Early bird registration for the Summit will open September 11. Visit the Summit homepage at:

 The Sport for Life Canadian Summit

The Sport for Life Canadian Summit brings together leaders who work to enhance the quality of sport and physical activity in Canada. Sport for Life recognizes that quality sport and physical literacy offer rich benefits to Canadian society through improved health, stronger communities, higher sporting achievement, and stronger national identity. By improving sport, the Sport for Life Society aims to improve the lives of all Canadians.

 For more information contact:
Tyler Laing
Communications Coordinator, Sport for Life Society

2025 Sport for Life Summit starts in:

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