Sport for Life celebrates PLAYBuilder launch

Sport for Life is pleased to unveil its coaching app PLAYBuilder after more than two years of development with Momentum IT Group. This innovative program allows organizations access to lessons plans that will make quality programming easier, and allow instructors to keep content consistent across their organization.

To date, roughly 4,400 kids have been positively affected by PLAYbuilder.

PLAYBuilder will enable sports teams and other organizations to improve how they organize and efficiently share content with their members, allowing them to deliver quality physical activity sessions. One early adopter is Moresports, an organization that believes every child has the right to play and that accessible sports bringing communities together.

“PLAYBuilder has become a resourceful database for our coaches to turn to whenever they need last minute ideas for their lesson plan,” said coordinator Cynthia Lee.

Similar sentiments have been expressed by other organizations who participated in the trial phase of the platform. The following have been consistently listed as the main benefits of PLAYBuilder:

  • Access to quality programming with minimal time and effort
  • Access lessons from a mobile device while leading
  • Save time and money with less staff training
  • Share content across organization with consistency

Sport for Life is excited to continue providing tools which increase quality sport and physical literacy. We believe PLAYBUILDER will only be the first in a number of upcoming innovations, as we work to align the sport, health, recreation and education sectors.

“I can’t wait for more organizations to see the power of PLAYBuilder,” said Zac Andrus, senior coordinator of digital services.

“The potential benefits for leaders, participants, and organizations through this digital platform are huge.”

To try PLAYBuilder for yourself or to receive a demo, visit

The 2025 Sport for Life Summit is happening now!

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