Caribbean Association of National Olympic Committees Sport for Life Project – CANOC


Sport for life Society has designed and is delivering a comprehensive program of Long-Term Athlete Development knowledge, modeling, system development to advance education and strategy.

Using a combination of in and out of country consultations, Sport for Life Society is working with local officials and sport leaders to create, implement and monitor sport specific and country specific Long-Term Athlete Development frameworks. The principles of Sport for Life, Long-Term Athlete Development, and Physical Literacy are being applied to align local and national sport systems. Sport for Life is working collaboratively to develop a “blueprint” national strategy in each country.

Targets Groups

It involves the general population including athletes, adults, children, youth, women, and persons with disability.


Provide Long-Term Athlete Development planning in the Caribbean. Each nation will select 5 or 6 sports specific projects and will implement them in their sport systems.

Expected Results

1. Projects implementation from each nation within 2 years
2. In an overall, it will improve the national sport systems:

  • Development of sport specific LTAD models
  • Increase coach development program
  • Align system training and competition
  • Increase participation by Caribbean’s in sport and physical literacy
  • Increase the number of athletes in the Caribbean
  • Improve sports, clubs, and schools facilities

The 2025 Sport for Life Summit is happening now!

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