What is Safe Sport?
When Sport for Life refers to safe sport, we mean the design, development, delivery, evaluation and knowledge mobilization of quality sport and physical literacy experiences that consider and strive to ensure each participant feels physically, psychologically, emotionally and culturally safe.
To Sport for Life, ‘safe’ means being protected, and not having to worry about danger, risk or injury. Safe sport isn’t just about whether participants are physically safe, but perhaps more importantly, do they feel safe? What safe means to each person might differ vastly.
Our team describes safe as:
We acknowledge safety (physical, psychological, social-emotional, and cultural) is fluid and subjective and therefore we appreciate that others may interpret the terms differently than how we have described them.
Social-Emotional Safety
Feeling secure and trusting of those around you to be vulnerable, courageous and authentic.
Psychological Safety
Sharing ideas, questions, concerns or making mistakes without causing harm to one another’s well-being.
Physical Safety
Environments where danger or maltreatment from physical conduct does not impede participation.
Cultural Safety
The ability to embrace, respect, preserve, and celebrate each person’s culture(s) without discrimination.