
ȽÁU, WELṈEW̱ Tribal School incorporates traditional language into physical literacy education

Developing physical literacy  is about custom-designing opportunities for participants to find success in the way that is most appropriate for them. In the case of ȽÁU, WELṈEW̱ Tribal School in Brentwood Bay, that has meant translating games and activities into the students’ traditional language. “We’ve…

Sport for Life anticipates completion of Egyptian multisport academy

He’s built a lot of arts schools, and he’s built a lot of sports facilities, but he’s never built one that combines both pursuits. That’s all about to change as Egyptian architect Nader Goubran nears the construction stage of the Apex Academy in Cairo, which will incorporate physical literacy,…

Aboriginal to Indigenous: why the change?

At Sport for Life we believe it is important that we all learn about the history of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada, and take lessons from our past into account when making decisions in the present day. This is best done by taking time to build relationships, learn about protocols and…

Long-Term Development e-learning course goes live

Sport for Life aims to develop physical literacy and improve the quality of sport by creating, sharing, and mobilizing knowledge. This acts as a catalyst for governments, institutions, and organizations to improve programs and services. In the spirit of continuous improvement, Sport for Life is proud…

Sport for Life unveils Quality Sport videos

What’s the difference between sport and quality sport? It’s more than just the extra word. When it comes to the type of athletic experiences that Sport for Life supports, we’re always looking for three things: good programs, good places and good people. It’s a simple formula organizations…

Sport for Life teams up to eliminate violence

It’s going to take a team effort to eliminate violence in sport, and that’s why the Sport for Life Society has teamed up with Safe Sport. This partnership comes on the heels of an announcement by Minister of Sport Kirsty Duncan that 222 Canadian amateur sport coaches were convicted of sexual offences…

Rally Cap revolutionizes Manitoba baseball

The latest Canadian craze in children’s baseball leagues is Rally Cap, a term that originally referred to a baseball cap worn inside-out. The name is apt, it turns out, because this new innovation is turning the baseball world upside down. Baseball Manitoba’s executive director Jason Miller couldn’t…

IPLC Winnipeg wows global audience

It was a lot to take in. For the 300 delegates that attended our latest International Physical Literacy Conference in Winnipeg, there was an onslaught of experiences on offer. Starting off with a day of active workshops, we then spent the following three days hosting presenters from all over the world…

Sport for Life announces New York as 2021 IPLC host city

On the last day of the International Physical Literacy Conference (IPLC) in May, Sport for Life CEO Richard Way approached the podium to make a big announcement: New York has been selected as the host city for the next conference, scheduled for 2021. “This never would’ve happened without the unique…

Physical literacy movement picks up momentum in Sweden

Physical literacy is catching on on worldwide, and nowhere is the movement picking up more steam that in Sweden. Later this year we will be co-hosting the International Physical Literacy Conference (IPLC) Europe in Umeå, along with co-host Change the Game Sweden, and in preparation organizers flew to…

Trinidad and Tobago give Sport for Life athlete development program a flamboyant makeover

It may be a Canadian invention, but if Sport for Life’s Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical Activity framework was ever going to catch on in Trinidad and Tobago it needed some local flavour. According to Kabir Hosein, the former chief administrative officer for the countries’ athletics federation,…

Sport for Life workshop keeps coaches on their toes

If you’re going to enroll in Sport for Life’s  Physical Literacy Movement Preparation coach workshop, you should expect to sweat. This isn’t the sort of experience where you sit at a desk and listen to lectures; instead you’ll be running through the exact same warm-ups you’ll be taking back…
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