At the upcoming International Physical Literacy Conference, the University of Manitoba (U of M)’s Dr. Natalie Houser will be sharing her research into physical literacy enriched pedagogy. Her  keynote address is titled “Supporting physical literacy enriched experiences across movement contexts” and will take place on May 3.

As a SSHRC-funded postdoctoral researcher in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at U of M, Houser has explored movement opportunities in a variety of contexts, examining how physical literacy can lead to building more confident and competent movers. Natalie is currently a co-investigator on several physical literacy projects involving children and their families within school, community, and recreational contexts. A recently published paper of hers entitled “When the World Stops: The Impact of COVID-19 on Physical Activity and Physical Literacy” looked at children’s physical activity and physical literacy levels pre-pandemic, compared to the same group of children during the pandemic in Saskatchewan and echoed researchers such as Dr. John Cairney, postulating that children with well-developed physical literacy may have benefited from the potential protective effects of physical literacy. 

Houser is also a research associate at the Centre for Circus Arts Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer in Montreal, where she is involved with exploring circus arts as an avenue for physical literacy development in school and recreation contexts. 

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