Quality Sport for Communities and Clubs goes virtual

The Quality Sport for Communities and Clubs (QSCC) workshop initiative began last year with a multi-city tour to mobilize knowledge and best practices, and has evolved into a virtual opportunity that will be shared with communities all across the country. With additional learning facilitators trained, newly created online modules planned, and provincial partners who have embraced implementation, organizers are thrilled to be entering the next phase of delivery this Spring. 

“The initial delivery of the QSCC workshop was really embraced by the participants, so we knew the next step would be to find ways to share with a broader audience. So now we’re creating and implementing a Canada-wide communication and advocacy strategy. That includes virtual workshops that we started offering this April,” said project lead Lea Wiens, Sport for Life’s Physical Literacy for Communities and Quality Sport Consultant.

“Most people already know that quality sport means good places, good people and good programs. With our QSCC virtual workshop we’ll be diving into those concepts further and going through the QSCC checklist we created in 2017, so that workshop participants can make tweaks and changes to their programming to ensure all sport being offered in this country is quality sport.”

To accomplish this, organizers will facilitate mentorship and networking opportunities that will link like-minded individuals and motivate them to begin work using the QSCC resource as a guide. Wiens hopes to identify key leaders who will work on alignment, implementing the ideals of Long-Term Development at every stage of the developmental pathway. Short modules will focus on particular areas, including how best to service and support equity-seeking populations. 

“The virtual workshop is full of interaction and opportunities for discussion and networking to bring the quality sport information to life and create a positive learning experience. We don’t want you to go away saying you had a good afternoon and then do nothing with the information. We want it to inspire action and create a coalition of quality sport champions who will support each other across the country. And once COVID-19 allows us, we will be offering in-person delivery as well,” said Wiens.

The QSCC resource, which was created with the intellectual guidance of Dr. Paul Jurbala, provides a guide for how to create a framework that will lead to the best possible sport and physical activity experience for all Canadians, laying out step by step how to achieve quality sport ideals. It is broken down into five key actions organizations can take: athlete growth and development, supporting long-term goals, using competition intentionally for development, a commitment to sport for all, and partnerships that prioritize development needs. 

“In a way, working on this project has been like building an airplane in mid-air. We’re a conduit to a higher level of quality sport, and this workshop has been able to meet community recreation and sport providers where they are with practical ideas that can be implemented easily,” said Wiens.

“This is more than just a workshop. It’s a catalyst for change. Many of the workshop participants have reported strengthened relationships, enhanced commitment to parent and coach education, along with many other innovative projects as a result of attending the workshop.  As sports and community recreation providers face uncertain futures in the post-COVID world, the QSCC resource and workshop can be a valuable tool to help them keep their bearings.”

The project has received additional funding support from the Makadiff Foundation. It is available in both English and French. For more information about how to bring Quality Sport for Communities and Clubs to your community, contact our workshop coordinator Tanya Castañeda at workshops@sportforlife.ca. For a list of upcoming workshops, visit the Sport for Life Campus, or to host a workshop, please fill out our Workshop Hosting Request Form.

Upcoming Workshop

This virtual workshop will be taking place across two two-hour sessions as follows:

Session #1: Tuesday, July 6 from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. PDT, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. EDT

Session #2: Tuesday, July 13 from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. PDT, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. EDT

Registration Deadline: End of 24-hour day PDT,  July 2, 2021

To register, click here

Important Notes:

Full participation at both sessions will be required if you wish to receive NCCP Professional Development credits.This virtual workshop delivery will be offered using the Zoom platform.

Contact Name: Nick Hastie (nick@sportforlife.ca)

QSCC by the numbers

Past workshops have included educators, coaches, representatives from local, provincial/territorial, multisport and national sport organizations, sport councils, funders, municipal recreation leaders, and organizations that represent underserved populations.

Learning facilitators trained: 7

Workshops held to date: 8 in-person, 1 virtual

Workshop participants: 148 in-person, 11 virtual

Upcoming virtual workshops: 2, with 38 people registered

The 2025 Sport for Life Summit is happening now!

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