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When news broke that a number of Canadian female alpine skiers had been sexually abused by their coach Bertrand Charest between 1991 and 1998, leading to a trial and ultimate guilty verdict, initially Jean-Luc Brassard didn’t want to get involved. The celebrated Olympic… 17:17:422019-12-20 19:20:49Olympic gold medallist Jean-Luc Brassard reflects on changing sport landscape
An ambitious multi-year physical literacy initiative in West Vancouver is making headlines across the country as the school district moves toward integrating movement into their everyday curriculum.
After launching the project during the 2015/16 school year, initially working with only one grade,… 22:35:462019-12-02 19:05:45West Vancouver makes physical literacy headlines
Communication is a critical component of any sport organization, and the way information is dispersed to volunteers can affect the success of the entire operation.
With the new e-learning course titled Effective Communication, available on our online campus, we aim to fine-tune your communication… 18:20:572019-10-30 19:13:54E-learning course aims to improve organizational communication
The PLAYBuilder app has made a global splash since being released last year.
Developed in Canada by Momentum IT Group and Sport for Life, it has become an integral part of sport and physical literacy organizations across North America. Now, thanks to a new partnership with Athletics Australia,… 18:25:262019-10-31 22:38:21Athletics Australia throws its weight behind PLAYBuilder
Canadians have long been leading the way globally in many areas of sport and physical activity, such as establishing long-term development pathways, creating physical literacy opportunities and mobilizing coach education. As other countries rush to catch up, many of them looking to Canada as an example,… 17:54:512019-10-30 19:13:16Bringing physical literacy to the British Virgin Islands
The historic Grand Slam victory of 19-year-old Canadian Bianca Andreescu over tennis heavyweight Serena Williams at the US Open in September will long be remembered, and could serve as a catalyst for future generations of Canadian athletes to excel not only in tennis, but in all sports. As both a female… 18:49:092019-10-21 18:49:09Bianca Andreescu wows Canadians, inspires young tennis players
Sport for Life has named its Community Changemakers keynote panel for the 2020 Sport for Life Canadian Summit, bringing together three of the leading voices in the physical literacy and quality sport movements to speak on the theme of Celebrating Success.
Fabrice Vil of Pour 3 Points, Tanya Mruck… 17:05:532019-10-30 22:39:33Community Changemakers celebrate success at 2020 Sport for Life Canadian Summit
It can be tricky to source reliable volunteers, and even trickier to keep them involved in your organization. Whether you’re working in the sports world or elsewhere, Sport for Life’s new eLearning resource Recruitment and Retention of Volunteers contains tips for how to make the best of your volunteer… 16:32:242021-08-27 19:29:01New eLearning course aims to help organizations recruit and retain volunteers
Sport for Life has been hosting an International Physical Literacy Conference (IPLC) in Canada every two years since 2013, and now for the first time it’s going global. In September we hosted, along with Change the Game, the first ever IPLC Europe in Umeå, Sweden.
“This has been one of our most… 16:08:492019-09-27 16:08:49Physical literacy goes global with IPLC Europe
The concept was simple: introduce kids to curling, rather than waiting for the kids to find it themselves. Ten years ago Rocks & Rings was introduced as a non-traditional curling setting that aimed to diversify the sport, making it reflective of Canada’s actual makeup.
Now they’re on the cusp… 19:29:352019-09-27 17:11:56Rocks and Rings celebrates a decade of curling
When Tim Adams first founded Free Footie, an inclusive after-school program designed to reach marginalized youth in Edmonton, he settled on a name that had a double meaning.
“The intent behind the name Free Footie was primarily to communicate that the program is free, but I also wanted to free the… 19:28:122019-09-26 19:28:12Free Footie program growing exponentially
HeadStartPro Performance Training is a sports-education service provider dedicated to improving the health and longevity of athletes with accessible and affordable online courses.
HeadStartPro’s multi-sport approach and universal concepts make performance and injury prevention training available… 19:26:292019-09-26 19:26:29Sport for Life teams up with HeadStartPro
Olympic gold medallist Jean-Luc Brassard reflects on changing sport landscape
West Vancouver makes physical literacy headlines
E-learning course aims to improve organizational communication
Athletics Australia throws its weight behind PLAYBuilder
Bringing physical literacy to the British Virgin Islands
Bianca Andreescu wows Canadians, inspires young tennis players
Community Changemakers celebrate success at 2020 Sport for Life Canadian Summit
New eLearning course aims to help organizations recruit and retain volunteers
Physical literacy goes global with IPLC Europe
Rocks and Rings celebrates a decade of curling
Free Footie program growing exponentially
Sport for Life teams up with HeadStartPro