
Physical Literacy 101: An Introduction to Physical Literacy (half-day)

Physical activity is a lot more fun when you are physically literate. Now more than ever, physical literacy is being recognized as an important component of best practices in the sport, recreation, health and education sectors within Canada. Unfortunately, not everyone knows or understands what exactly…

Becoming a Sport for Life Community (full-day)

The community is the first place everyone experiences physical activity and sport. Sport for Life provides the framework to ensure these experiences are positive and sets the stage for a lifelong relationship with physical activity. Municipal recreation, community leaders and community sport stakeholders…

An Introduction to Sport for Life (half day)

Whether you’re involved in the sport, recreation, health or education sector, you can help to integrate the Long-Term Athlete Development framework across Canada.  Long-Term Athlete Development is a multi-stage training, competition and recovery pathway that guides an individual’s experience in…

Are We There Yet? A GPS for Sport for Life – Long-Term Athlete Development (half-day)

This workshop will explore ways sports can monitor Long-Term Athlete Development implementation at the national, provincial/territorial and community levels. Participants will learn how to use the Sport for Life "scorecard" to measure success factors, track progress and better understand current government…

Long-Term Athlete Development Activation (half-day)

This workshop focuses on advancing the Sport for Life - Long-Term Athlete Development work from concept to activation within your own organization. You will examine research, tools and templates needed to assess your organization’s Long-Term Athlete Development readiness and explore strategies for…

Competition Review & Restructuring – Advanced (full-day)

Advanced Competition Review & Restructuring is available in a full-day format for NSO workgroups that are already in place and ready to get to work. Groups must be familiar with the Competition Review project, and at least on group member must have attended a half-day Competition Review & Restructuring…


The Situation in Canada By 2030, immigration will account for all of Canada's net population growth. Cities across Canada are being transformed by immigration, and these demographic trends will undoubtedly impact Canadian sports. Grassroots and professional sports organizations need to find ways to…
Aboriginal Sport Circle

Aboriginal Long-Term Participant Development Pathway Workshop

Friday, December 16, 2016 Victoria, B.C. – The Sport for Life Society and Aboriginal Sport Circle invites you to attend the Aboriginal Long-Term Participant Development Pathway Workshop on January 24, prior to the 2017 Sport for Life Canadian Summit. The workshop is designed to help…

Businessman and President of B2ten to Deliver Keynote at the 2017 Sport for Life Canadian Summit

Friday, January 6, 2017 Victoria, B.C. – Calling upon the experiences of his business career and co-founder of B2ten, JD Miller will deliver the opening keynote on January 25, 2017. In his address entitled “Organizational Performance by Design”, Miller will examine various elements…

Register for the International Physical Literacy Conference 2017

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 Victoria, B.C. – Every individual embarks on a physical literacy journey. By developing physical literacy across the lifespan, individuals empower themselves to be better at work, better at physical activities and sport, have better mental health and happiness, and better…

Hockey Guru Danièle Sauvageau to Deliver Keynote at 2017 Sport for Life Canadian Summit

Wednesday, January 18, 2017 Victoria, B.C. – When Danièle Sauvageau coached the Canadian Women’s National Hockey Team to a gold medal at the 2002 Olympic Games, she helped end a 50-year Olympic gold medal drought for Canadian hockey. As a coach, general manager and coaching consultant,…

Active for Life

Individuals who have a desire to be physically active are in the Active for Life stage. A participant may choose to be Competitive for Life or Fit for Life and, if inclined, give back as a sport or physical activity leader. Competitive for Life includes those who compete in any organized sport recreation…
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