
Learn to Train

Once a wide range of fundamental movement skills have been acquired, participants progress into the Learn to Train stage leading to understanding basic rules, tactics, and strategy in games and refinement of sport specific skills. There are opportunities to participate in multiple sports with competitions…

Train to Win

Athletes in the Train to Win stage are world class competitors who are competing at the highest level of competition in the world (e.g. Olympics, Paralympics, World Championships, World Cups or top professional leagues). These athletes have highly personalized training and competition plans and have…


In the FUNdamentals stage, participants develop fundamental movement skills in structured and unstructured environments for play.  The focus is on providing fun, inclusive, multisport, and developmentally appropriate sport and physical activity. These experiences will result in the participant developing…

Train to Compete

Athletes enter the Train to Compete stage when they are proficient in sport-specific Train to Train athlete development components (physical, technical-tactical, mental, and emotional). Athletes are training nearly full-time and competing at the national level while being introduced to international…

Active Start

From 0-6 years, boys and girls need to be engaged in daily active play. Through play and movement, they develop the fundamental movement skills and learn how to link them together. At this stage developmentally appropriate activities will help participants feel competent and comfortable participating…

Train to Train

Athletes enter the Train to Train stage when they have developed proficiency in the athlete development performance components (physical, technical-tactical, mental, and emotional). Rapid physical growth, the development of sporting capability, and commitment occurs in this stage. Athletes will generally…

Indigenous Peoples

[mp_row] [mp_span col="12"] The Situation in Canada Sport means different things to different Indigenous peoples and groups. For many Indigenous peoples, the primary purpose of sport is to build self-esteem among youth. Sport and activity gives youth a sense of purpose and direction, and, in…

Newcomer Sport for Life Program: Creating Sport Opportunities for Newcomer Children and Youth

On July 26th, Sport for Life, in collaboration with the Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria (ICA), ran a SportFit© session with newcomer children and youth as the first step of the Newcomer Sport for Life Program. SportFit© is a physical activity and sport discovery program that provides…

Privacy Statement

We are committed to protecting your privacy and the security of information you provide to us. Sport for Life Society will not sell, rent, lease or disclose customer information to third parties unless required by law or unless you provide consent to such a disclosure. Other terms of Sport for Life’s…

Health Practitioners

The Situation in Canada People living physically active lifestyles will lead to healthier communities through injury prevention and general health and wellness. The overlap between the sport, recreation, education, and health sectors not only helps with the integration of facilities and the delivery…

RBC Learn to Play

Sport for Life Society has partnered with ParticipACTION to develop quality sport and physical literacy programming along with intentional sector collaboration in 190 communities across Canada through funding support of over $3 million to date. Goal Teaching kids the basic skills they need to participate…
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