These are extraordinary times and we at Sport for Life want to support our existing as well as new clients with our own extraordinary offer. Free PLAYBuilder for up to 10 users for a year. Act fast since the offer to sign up is only valid until April 30, 2020, which means you only pay for PLAYBuilder… 22:09:502020-04-09 22:58:04Free PLAYBuilder for the month of April
This Sport for Life project was a partnership with the cities of Markham and St. Catharine’s, as well as the Town of Aurora and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. It aimed to increase awareness and education about physical literacy as it applies to older adult populations, and to build the… 18:50:162023-05-09 12:50:45Physical Literacy for Older Adults
Have you heard of PLAYBuilder? We are sharing some of the activities from our PLAYBuilder tool to try out at home to keep kids moving and mentally engaged. Whether it’s, Animal Play or Balance on Three, these games should help keep you and your family moving and laughing in no time! To learn more about… 19:41:412020-03-28 00:45:36PLAYBuilder activities to stay active inside
It’s been six years since Thorsten Gohl introduced table tennis to the Northwest Territories, overcoming a number of geographical and societal challenges that have historically made it difficult to create and sustain sport organizations. In a short time he’s seen the number of participants sky-rocket… 17:35:112020-03-25 17:35:11Bringing table tennis to the Northwest Territories
For Ram Nayyar, it took being bullied as a child to wonder who he really was.
The two-time Olympic badminton coach and author started off his life being bullied for his long braided hair, which led to him getting beaten up for looking like a girl. As he suffered in silence, he found himself asking… 17:08:382020-03-25 17:08:38Olympic mentorship reaches beyond sport achievement into everyday life
The program is for seniors, but they call them Legends.
In the small community of Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, one local gym has been encouraging physical literacy development in an unusual way: getting the older generation involved in CrossFit. And now that the gym has a steady cohort of nearly… 17:06:432020-03-25 17:06:43Comox Valley seniors flock to CrossFit
By Will Johnson
Mike Shaw was coaching freestyle skiing all over the world, the culmination of a lifelong love affair with the sport, when an unexpected injury nearly left him quadriplegic in 2013. As he began to heal, overcoming mental health hurdles and committing to being grateful every day, he… 16:36:572021-08-27 19:22:12Four questions with Mike Shaw
Victoria, B.C. – As Canadian governments, communities and citizens continue to adapt to the rapidly changing situation caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, Sport for Life has decided to suspend all in-person workshops, programs and events indefinitely. This decision has been made based on the guidance… 19:27:372020-03-17 20:00:20Sport for Life’s COVID-19 response
Every Indigenous school has its own unique needs, but one thing they have in common with the rest of the school system is it’s difficult to convince the administration and teachers to set aside meaningful time for movement and physical literacy. Following a project that aims to change that, Sport for…
Participant-centered sport experiences. Long-Term Development. Canadian high-performance success on the global stage. Quality sport programs. Developing physical literacy at the grassroots level. Making sport fun, accessible and inclusive.
Many successes were celebrated at the 15th Annual Canadian… 17:49:272020-03-27 19:40:38Summit celebrates 15 years of success in the quality sport sector
They’re calling it the Gender Equity Playbook.
Canadian Women & Sport has announced their partnership with six multisport service organizations (MSOs) and national sport organizations (NSOs) to pilot and support the development of the playbook. Sport for Life is proud to be on that list.
“Gender… 22:46:262021-08-27 19:26:08Canadian sport organizations team up to create the Gender Equity Playbook
PLAYBuilder is nearly two years old.
Since being launched in early 2018, Sport for Life’s innovative curriculum app has been making waves worldwide. Through partnerships with organizations such as the New York Road Runners and Athletics Australia, allowing them to custom-design their lesson plans… 20:40:292020-02-26 20:44:26PLAYBuilder crosses borders as two-year anniversary approaches
Free PLAYBuilder for the month of April
Physical Literacy for Older Adults
PLAYBuilder activities to stay active inside
Bringing table tennis to the Northwest Territories
Olympic mentorship reaches beyond sport achievement into everyday life
Comox Valley seniors flock to CrossFit
Four questions with Mike Shaw
Sport for Life’s COVID-19 response
Celebrating Indigenous physical literacy
Summit celebrates 15 years of success in the quality sport sector
Canadian sport organizations team up to create the Gender Equity Playbook
PLAYBuilder crosses borders as two-year anniversary approaches