Launch of the Sport for Life Online Campus

Toronto, ON – The Sport for Life Society is excited to announce the launch of the Sport for Life Online Campus featuring self-paced courses that can be accessed any time, any place helping to reduce some of the time and money associated with travelling to participate in learning opportunities. Through…

First Contact stage changed to First Involvement

As Sport for Life worked with Aboriginal peoples over the past few years, it came to light that the term First Contact had negative connotations within their cultures. In the spirit of Kaizen (continuous improvement), Sport for Life engaged Aboriginal leaders and leaders in disability sport across Canada…

Josée and inclusive physical literacy: A passion for sport began with sledge hockey

Josée and inclusive physical literacy: A passion for sport began with sledge hockey For this very first article as a collaborator of Sport for Life and Réseau Accès Participation, let's introduce myself: I’m Josée, 29, a young woman with a disability. I have been asked to write about inclusive…

Newcomer Sport for Life Program: Creating Sport Opportunities for Newcomer Children and Youth

On July 26, 2017,  Sport for Life, in collaboration with the Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria (ICA), ran a SportFit© session with newcomer children and youth as the first step of the Newcomer Sport for Life Program. SportFit© is a physical activity and sport discovery program that provides…

Privacy Statement

We are committed to protecting your privacy and the security of information you provide to us. Sport for Life Society will not sell, rent, lease or disclose customer information to third parties unless required by law or unless you provide consent to such a disclosure. Other terms of Sport for Life’s…

How I Endorsed Canada’s Physical Literacy Consensus Statement

  By Gary Shelton Are you a Canadian physical literacy champion like me? If so, you hopefully participated in the effort to unite Canadians behind a single physical literacy definition. You’ll also hopefully know about the presentation of the “Vancouver Declaration on Physical…

Tips for Parents: Help your child get the most out of their sport experience.

Talk to your child about their interests. Find out what physical activities or sports appeal to them. Recognize and respect your child’s reasons for playing a sport or practicing a physical activity. They might want to compete for medals and titles, or they might simply want to have…

Engaging girls in sport– advice for parents and family

Women and girls report more barriers to sport  participation than men and boys, which affects their involvement and therefore  health. Here are some ways parents can support their daughters in staying involved in a physically active lifestyle. Invest time to learn about the psycho-social…
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