France is preparing for the return of sport and physical activity as the pandemic subsides, and Sport for Life toured the country and met with academics, teachers and sport educators.
Using the principles of Long-Term Development and physical literacy as a foundation, the goal was to empower French… 17:20:122021-10-29 02:30:07Sport for Life tours France to promote physical literacy
Marles Martins is the Technical Development Manager for Table Tennis Canada (TTCan), which recently signed on as a PLAYBuilder partner. Sport for Life checked in with him to see how implementation is going.
Q: How did you hear about PLAYBuilder?
A: I heard about PLAYBuilder at the Sport for Life… Morrison Morrison2021-09-29 22:46:412023-05-09 12:50:25PLAYBuilder Q&A with Table Tennis Canada
What does it take to ignite a dream?
For many individuals with disabilities, whether congenital or acquired, the first step towards participation in sport or physical activity is learning that an adapted version of a particular activity exists, and the second is finding an appropriate program or organization… 22:40:562021-09-29 22:40:56Paralympics inspire next generation of athletes
The pandemic made it abundantly clear how crucial sport, physical activity and recreation are to the health and well-being of children and youth. Community support and innovation has never been so critical in ensuring children and youth grow up with the experiences they need to be active for life.
“Alberta… Morrison Morrison2021-08-30 20:29:442021-08-30 21:10:22Alberta Sport and Recreation sector re-launches web page
When it comes to delivering quality sport and physical literacy programming, PLAYBuilder is useful in a number of different contexts.
The Physical Literacy for Communities (PL4C) initiative has been incorporating the cloud-based, lesson-planning system into its projects for several years now, and… Morrison Morrison2021-08-30 20:28:542021-08-30 20:28:54PLAYBuilder mobilized by PL4C
The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching effects on the Canadian sport and physical activity ecosystem, and understanding its effects will be key to the process of building back better. A multitude of surveys have been conducted to examine the impacts across the country and in different sectors… Morrison Morrison2021-08-30 20:27:452021-08-30 20:27:45COVID-19 exacerbates inequities in Canadian sport sector
An innovative multisport program that began in Antigonish seven years ago has first spread across the province of Nova Scotia and now the rest of the country, with offerings in both English and French. Its young participants rotate through nine different sports offered by numerous community stakeholders,… Morrison Morrison2021-08-30 20:25:132021-08-30 20:25:13Antigonish Multisport provides quality first experiences
Golf Ontario is piloting a four-year regional sustainability strategy in three areas of the province, with plans to further expand once the pilot has concluded. The project aims to bring together national, provincial, and local sport organizations to foster relationships and implement the principles… 20:28:502021-07-29 20:28:50Golf Ontario builds trust and relationships with regional sustainability model
Created in 2018, A Common Vision for Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Sedentary Living in Canada: Let’s Get Moving is a foundational document for all the work done at Sport for Life. With a focus on getting Canadians physically active, it aims to unite sectors such as recreation, health and… 20:27:182021-08-03 16:41:24PL4C operationalizes The Common Vision
Jake Schuknecht is the development manager for Bowls Canada, which recently made the decision to provide PLAYBuilder access to all their community coaches. Sport for Life connected with him to see how the platform is working so far.
Q: How did you hear about PLAYBuilder?
A: From various Sport for Life… 20:24:592021-07-29 20:24:59PLAYBuilder Q&A with Bowls Canada
The eighth annual Change the Game Conference is coming up in Sweden from September 21 to 24. The virtual event will continue to focus on the power of physical literacy.
Following the success of the first ever International Physical Literacy Conference Europe, that was held in Umeå in 2019, organizer… 20:22:372021-07-29 20:22:37Sweden prepares for Change the Game Conference
Many sport organizations in Canada practice early talent identification (TID), a process where children between the ages of 10-14 are evaluated and selected for high-performance sport programs and put on a track towards athletic success. Unfortunately, this can lead to issues for both those who are identified… 20:20:422021-07-29 20:20:42The controversy around early talent identification
Sport for Life tours France to promote physical literacy
PLAYBuilder Q&A with Table Tennis Canada
Paralympics inspire next generation of athletes
Alberta Sport and Recreation sector re-launches web page
PLAYBuilder mobilized by PL4C
COVID-19 exacerbates inequities in Canadian sport sector
Antigonish Multisport provides quality first experiences
Golf Ontario builds trust and relationships with regional sustainability model
PL4C operationalizes The Common Vision
PLAYBuilder Q&A with Bowls Canada
Sweden prepares for Change the Game Conference
The controversy around early talent identification